Archive for the Valerie Tibbs Category

Happy Saturday

Posted in Sami Lee, Valerie Tibbs on June 22, 2013 by Valerie Tibbs

Or as I like to call it, “Caturday”.  With two cats who demand attention, that’s pretty much a daily occurrence…

Callie-and-the-suitcaseThe Calico likes to ‘help’ pack for trips.


And this one likes to ‘help’ me work.

Happy Saturday!

Favorite Technology

Posted in Sami Lee, Valerie Tibbs on June 21, 2013 by Valerie Tibbs

We all know I’m a tecchie and I live with this stuff daily.  Well, I can’t live WITHOUT it anymore.

In no particular order:

  1. My Nook.  I must have this when I’m on the elliptical machine.  It covers up the time.  As many of you know that when you’re exercising and clock watching, somehow you end up in a time warp.  This helps speed the time.
  2. I have a Microsoft Surface that I got for Christmas.  I wasn’t sure I was going to like it because I really liked the iPad, but it’s growing on me.
  3. My iPhone.  I live on that thing.  I do personal stuff (Facebook) and check 9 email accounts all throughout the day.
  4. The Satellite (Direct TV).  I cannot go a day without watching my shows.  We have the whole house DVR, so I probably have about 50 hours of TV on there right now.
  5. My breathing machine.  I don’t think this is considered technology, but I can’t breathe without it at night, so it’s very important to me.



Sami’s choices:

  1. My iPod–it has all my songs in one neat little device and the games are really handy for keeping the kidlets busy for 5 or 10 minutes here and there
  2. My laptop–of course. I couldn’t live without it. It’s like an extension of my lap.
  3. My e reader–oh boy. I love e books. Not just because I write them, but because they are fast and convenient and my device is backlit so if hubby turns out his light I can keep reading well beyond sleep time 🙂
  4. My tumble dryer–it rains a lot in Qld, contrary to what the tourist advertisements tell you. We live in the tropical climes so we get a lot of storms in summer and lately a lot of flooding (global warming I reckon). So the last few years I would have gone postal without a tumble dryer.  (from Valerie.   Really?  A dryer??  LOL)
  5. My DVD player–I know I’m totally behind the times. I’ve not yet graduated to downloading movies and I still have a cupboard full of DVD’s. But I love my collection and when I’m down in the dumps I can pop on one of my favorite comfort movies and it puts me in the right frame of mind again.


What’s your favorite piece of technology?  Do you have something you just can’t live without?

Now For the REALLY Yummy Stuff

Posted in Sami Lee, Valerie Tibbs with tags , on June 20, 2013 by Sami Lee

Top five sexiest guys around. You knew we were going to get here eventually, didn’t you?

Valerie–give us your list:

  1. Joe Manganiello from True Blood.  Alcide the werewolf.  I FREAKING LOVE HIM!  I stalk him on Twitter alljoemanganiello3 the time.  *swoon* (Sami: Can I have him too? Please?)
  2. Chris Hemsworth from Thor and The Avengers.  You Aussies make some DAMN fine boys.
  3. Chris Evans from Captain American and The Avengers.  I like him all buffed up and not skinny like he was in The Fantastic Four.
  4. Christian Kane.  He was Eliot on Leverage.  And he sings.  Mmmmmm…
  5. Nathan Fillion.  I’ve loved him since he was on One Life To Live. 

And here’s mine: 

  1. Daniel Craig aka blonde James Bond. Blue swim trunks, people. Niiiiice.
  2. Ryan Gosling. He was just so funny in Crazy Stupid Love, and then kind of scary in Drive. He comes across as smart too, which I dig. Big time.
  3. Bradley Cooper. I could just look into his eyes forever. He also comes across as smart too. Are you sensing a pattern here?
  4. Channing Tatum. He doesn’t come across as super intelligent but I could be wrong, right? Anyway, it’s his butt I’m after, not his brain.
  5. Gerard Butler. The gravelly voice, the accent, the stubble, the whole cocky alpha male magnetism he’s got happening. Surely I don’t need to explain any of this further?bob-gerard-butler-2

Top Five Books

Posted in Sami Lee, Valerie Tibbs with tags on June 18, 2013 by Valerie Tibbs

Next on our count is books. Books are like movies to me.  I can see the action in my head.  So here’s my top five books.

  1. Colter’s Woman, by Maya Banks.  I don’t know why I like this book.  It just stuck with me for some reason.
  2. Calista’s Men, by Jory Strong.  I have read this book probably 20 times.  I love this story.  The romance, the alpha males (yes two of them!), and the mystery storyline.  Love love love.
  3. Bare Seduction by Lacey Thorn.  I read this book back in 2007 and wowza is it hot.  Another menage, and really great storyline.
  4. The Mane Squeeze.  Shelly Laurenston at her best.  I’ve loved her entire series, but this one is my favorite.
  5. Caught Off Guard by Tonya Ramagos.  This is one of my all-time favorites.  This has sentimental reasons for me as it was my first erotic book ever.  I read this several times when I first got it.  Now it’s my go to book whenever I need to get in the mood.  TMI?  Yeah.  LOL.

ValerieMorning Glory

And here are mine:

  1. Morning Glory, by LaVyrle Spencer—it’s very hard to pick just one Spencer because all her books are soooo good. But this one about a struggling single mother and a drifter wrongly accused of murder is particulary angsty and beautiful.
  2. On Writing, Stephen King—without a doubt the best book about being a writer out there
  3. Crazy for you, by Jennifer Crusie—Just such a fun and funny book, yet it has a suspense angle that really creeps me out at the same time. The way it’s all threaded together it brilliant.
  4. All I Ever Wanted, by Kristan Higgins—only read this recently but found it so funny and heartbreaking in parts too, that it’s immediately gone onto my favorites shelf.
  5. Jayne Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte—I add this because it’s the classic I go back and read over and over. It was very hard to choose between this and To Kill A Mockingbird though!


What are your favorites?

Let’s Talk Movies

Posted in Sami Lee, Valerie Tibbs with tags on June 17, 2013 by Sami Lee

I’m going to start with movies, because I love movies. Love love love the escapism and pure lazy thrill of having someone else tell me the story for a change. And I love to look at hunky men, and let’s face it, the hunkiest hunky men are always in the movies, right?

So here’s my top five favorite movies of all time:

  1. Grosse Point Blank—Black humor is my favorite kind, and it’s never been done better than in this John Cusack classic. ‘Thanks for the pen’. Best line ever.
  2. Casablanca—This was Humphrey Bogart at his finest, playing a romantic lead and and anti-hero at the same time. Not often has it been done with such style and effectiveness.
  3. An Officer and a Gentleman—yes, I’ve always loved Richard Gere. I know many disagree but I think he’s all kinds of uniquely hot. This movie has everything—a passionate romance, tragedy, drama, action, knockdown drag out fighting, and Richard Gere in navy whites. I ask for nothing more in life.
  4. When Harry Met Sally—I love how this movie shows Harry and Sally’s relationship development over time in a realistic way, while still providing that romantic flair and laugh-out-loud humor. It’s my go to comfort movie.
  5. Office Space—Because I work in a grey cubicle and I’ve met so many of those people in my business/admin life. ‘It’s not that I’m not motivated, Bob, it’s just that I don’t care.’



Bill Pullman… Sigh…

Here are mine:

  1. While You Were Sleeping – Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman.  LOVE this movie.  Every time it comes on I stop and watch it.  I think I’ve seen it at least 25 times. 
  2. Armageddon – Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck.  Even though I know how it ends, I still cry every time Bruce is left on the asteroid.
  3. The Avengers – I have seen this so many times I’ve lost count.  Thor and Captain America?  Hello?!
  4. The Quiet Man – this is an oldie starring John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara.  My dad introduced me to this movie and hubby and I watch it whenever it comes on.
  5. Tangled – My most favorite animated movie of all time.  I love Zachary Levi, and he’s got a great voice too.


So tell us–what are your favorite films?