Let’s Talk Movies

I’m going to start with movies, because I love movies. Love love love the escapism and pure lazy thrill of having someone else tell me the story for a change. And I love to look at hunky men, and let’s face it, the hunkiest hunky men are always in the movies, right?

So here’s my top five favorite movies of all time:

  1. Grosse Point Blank—Black humor is my favorite kind, and it’s never been done better than in this John Cusack classic. ‘Thanks for the pen’. Best line ever.
  2. Casablanca—This was Humphrey Bogart at his finest, playing a romantic lead and and anti-hero at the same time. Not often has it been done with such style and effectiveness.
  3. An Officer and a Gentleman—yes, I’ve always loved Richard Gere. I know many disagree but I think he’s all kinds of uniquely hot. This movie has everything—a passionate romance, tragedy, drama, action, knockdown drag out fighting, and Richard Gere in navy whites. I ask for nothing more in life.
  4. When Harry Met Sally—I love how this movie shows Harry and Sally’s relationship development over time in a realistic way, while still providing that romantic flair and laugh-out-loud humor. It’s my go to comfort movie.
  5. Office Space—Because I work in a grey cubicle and I’ve met so many of those people in my business/admin life. ‘It’s not that I’m not motivated, Bob, it’s just that I don’t care.’



Bill Pullman… Sigh…

Here are mine:

  1. While You Were Sleeping – Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman.  LOVE this movie.  Every time it comes on I stop and watch it.  I think I’ve seen it at least 25 times. 
  2. Armageddon – Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck.  Even though I know how it ends, I still cry every time Bruce is left on the asteroid.
  3. The Avengers – I have seen this so many times I’ve lost count.  Thor and Captain America?  Hello?!
  4. The Quiet Man – this is an oldie starring John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara.  My dad introduced me to this movie and hubby and I watch it whenever it comes on.
  5. Tangled – My most favorite animated movie of all time.  I love Zachary Levi, and he’s got a great voice too.


So tell us–what are your favorite films?

2 Responses to “Let’s Talk Movies”

  1. Here’s my non-comprehensive list:
    1. Anything with Sandra Bullock. Anything. She’s my favorite actress because her characters are smart, quirky, funny and beautiful, but mostly smart, quirky and funny.

    2. Anything with Will Farrell. It used to be anything with Mike Myers, but Will is a little more raw, and has a hairy chest. Funny, tall, and has a hairy chest, is a trifecta in my book. He would also understand my love of post-collegiate Greek life.

    3. “The Matchmaker” and “The Truth About Cats and Dogs,” starring Janeane Garafalo. I hoped she’d become an anti-leading lady, but alas, it was not to be. I love movies where the nerdy girl is the romantic lead. Add, “Dogfight” with Lili Taylor and River Phoenix to this category.

    4. Star Wars and Star Trek. All of them. Why choose?

    5. “Pillow Talk,” with Doris Day and Rock Hudson. They meet over a shared party-line phone. She thinks he’s a cad. He thinks she’s uptight. She redecorates his apartment. Hilarity ensues.

    6. “West Side Story.” Romeo and Juliet-inspired love story surrounded by song, dance fighting, and Rita Moreno won and Oscar. I’m going to see the musical this week, again. 🙂

    I have never met anyone else who loved “Grosse Pointe Blank,” as much I did!! John Cusack and Minnie Driver are so well matched, but Jeremy Piven steals the show! And, the shootout at the Ultimart to “Ace of Spades,” was INSPIRED.

    Oh, oh, Office Space. We’ve all worked there, if we’ve worked in an office. We’ve all thought it. I’ll take back my red stapler, now.


    • Sami Lee Says:

      Thanks for your list Michelle. Some great choices there too, especially with Wil Farrel and Janine Garafalo. I loved the Truth About Cats and Dogs! I think she’s highly underrated as an actress. And Jeremy Priven is just so great in everything he does, he really helped make GPB.

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